
Travelling back into the past...

Friday, September 18, 2009

Topic: Reflections on History Project
After doing this project, I found that teamwork is very important in order to have this project completed on time. As I ama writer, I ned to do most of thework- rephrasing the research, do the powerpoint slides and to prepare worksheets for classmates to complete during our presentation. I also find that it is very difficut to get my groupmayes to get to work as a group as they are interested in some other things. I had made a big mistake, that is to expect my groupmates to give me the research they had to do on time. Now I understand that I had to give a deadline for them to complete their work on time.
On the day we had our presentation, we present it in a form of gallery. What I disliked about it was that most of my classmates did not hear what we are presenting to them but instead, they keep copying the answers. I do also find that we did not have enough time to visit other group's work. Maybe we can set a time limit to change to other group.

Hui Xian :D
1:02 PM

Monday, September 7, 2009

Chap 6 Religion & Philosophy

How was religion and philosophy important to the people of ancient civilisations?

  • Religion and philosophy guide therulers in the governing. For example,

In ancient India, the Buddhist Mauryan king, Ashoka, converted to Buddhism, stopped waging wars and encouraged his people to lead good lives.

In ancient China, Qin Shihuang of the Qin Dynasty used the harsh and severe teachings to guide him in his governing.

In Southeast Asia, Hindu kings saw themselves as devine kings. They had their people construct capital cities in which their palaces represented the home of the gods.

  • Religion and philosophy influenced the way the people lived.

In ancient India, the Hindus practised the caste system, as required by Hinduism.

In ancient China, the ancient Chinese followed the teachings of Confucius by living a code of conduct in their relationships with others.

In ancient Southeast Asia, the people built many religious monuments to show respect to their new gods.

Picture of Confucius:

Picture of Buddha:

Source from: google image

Symbol of Taoism:

Picture of Om:

Source from:Google image

Picture of a Muslim praying during the Haji pilgrimage at Mecca:

Source from:


In a country like Singapore which is multi-religious, what are the possible challenges we might face? How can we overcome these challenges?

I don't think that there are some challenges that we Singaporeans might face, but we still must know some things about some religions.

For example, the Muslims fast during the Ramadan. So when we go out with them, we cannot eat in front of them or something like that.

Hui Xian :D
10:34 AM

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Similarities and Differences between the 3 civilisations + Comparisions with systems in Singapore

Similarities between government of the 3 civilisations
  • There were many kings ruling different parts of ancient India, China and Southeast Asia at any one time. One king ruled only in his capital and divided the rest of the kingdom into smaller areas, which were ruled his officials.

  • The kings and emperors saw themselves as being a devine. In ancient China, the emperor believed that he was the son of heaven. In ancient India, the kings saw themselves as the representatives of the gods in earth.
  • In ancient Southeast Asia, the kings adopted certain symbols or performed certain ceremonies that showed their divine position.

Differences between government of the 3 civilisations

  • The systems of government among the 3 civilisations are different. In ancient India, there were the capital, Inner provinces, Outer provinces, and border zones. In ancient China, there were the capital and provinces. In ancient Southeast Asia, there were the capital, provinces, and vassal states.

Below are the pictures of the government of the 3 civilisations.

Source from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chandragupta_Maurya

Source from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_China#Ancient_era

Source from: http://sg.images.search.yahoo.com/images/view?back=http%3A%2F%2Fsg.images.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dparameswara%26ei%3Dutf-8%26fr%3Dyfp-t-101%26fr2%3Dsg-gac&w=363&h=500&imgurl=users.ox.ac.uk%2F%7Ehert2376%2FParameswaraPortrait.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fusers.ox.ac.uk%2F%7Ehert2376%2Fintroduction.htm&size=56k&name=ParameswaraPortr...&p=parameswara&oid=3e219eb02e591206&fr2=sg-gac&no=1&tt=214&sigr=11gothjq3&sigi=11gosq29f&sigb=12u2dmvrq

Similarities between society of the 3 civilisations

  • As a society grows and more occupations were created, the number of social classes increases and the social system becomes more complex.
  • The social system brought order to societies and gave their members a sense of identity. Each person knew the role he had to play and the job he had to do.
  • The ruling class of the social system will be at the top of the pyramid.

Differences between society of the 3 civilisations

  • The caste system in ancient India did not allow for social mobility unlike the class systems in ancient China. The ancient Indians could not change their castes. In ancient China, however, the system of meritocracy allowed the people of ancient China to achieve social mobility. The people could be civil servants if they passed the Imperial Civil Service Examinations. In ancient Southeast Asia, most people could move to other classes.

Comparisions between the systems of the 3 civilisations with Singapore

  • Different. Singapore does not have class systems whereas the 3 civilisations have.

Hui Xian :D
7:36 PM

Friday, July 17, 2009

Chapter 3: The Indus Valley Civilisation
I feel that the Indus Valley people had done lots of things that people are still following today. For example, they have a drainage system which are used by people today.

I think that it is very important to have efficent goverment. If there's no government, things will not be well-planned that there will not be cities that were so well arranged. Also, if there are no efficient government, the country will be attacked easily.

The writings are also very important as it is needed for communications between people. Unfortunately, the writings could not be read by people today.

Writing of those people:

Source of picture:

Hui Xian :D
8:05 AM